
Fouta is trendy

Installed in the trend of short cycle manufacturing (Made in France, Europe or Maghreb), and zero plastic, SoGift offers a range of semi-industrial/semi-artisanal products 100% recyclable, 100% customizable, 100% dedicated (...)

CTCO - Garments -


From the Work-Guard range of the British supplier Result, this ultra-resistant polo shirt (ref. R312X), which can be combined with any trousers or shorts in the range, is an ideal (...)

CTCO - Garments -

A cyclist’s jersey

SANTIN DIGITAL: JERSEY The sunny days are coming, it’s time to get back on the bike! That’s good, Santin Digital offers a sports jersey with short sleeves. Very comfortable, it (...)

CTCO - Garments -

Gildan more and more involved in Honduras

Gildan will be redistributing all the subsidies granted to it by the Honduras government (after taking part in an employment programme called “Con Chamba Vivís Mejor“) to selected community projects, as well as (...)

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